[BC]2 Tutorial

Defining genomic signatures with Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

Carl Herrmann & Andres Quintero

13 September 2021

ButcherR-[BC]2 Docker image

We created a Docker image that runs RStudio, including all the package dependencies, and example datasets required to run a complete NMF workflow and infer molecular signatures.

Step 1 - Pull image

  1. Open the Docker application in your computer
  2. Open a command-line terminal (e.g., Command Promt and Powershell in windows, or Terminal in Max and Linux).
  3. Pull the image by running the following command:
docker pull hdsu/butchr-bc2


The image size is approximately 6Gb. Therefore, we ask you to complete this step before starting the tutorial.

Step 2 - Running the image

  1. Once the image has been pulled from DockerHub you can run it from the command-line, using the following command:
docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 -e USER=hdsu -e PASSWORD=pass hdsu/butchr-bc2
Output messages expected after running the previous command
  1. Open the app in a browser: http://localhost:8787/
First screen seen after launching the image without errors

Next Test Docker image hdsu/butcher-bc2