Understanding regulatory genomics in diseases.

Master thesis project on integrative multiomics data analysis together with the University Clinics Dresden. More details here!

Welcome to the Computational Regulatory Omics Lab (a.k.a. CROmLab) @ IPMB !

We are part of the Institute for Pharmacy and Molecular Biotechnology and BioQuant Center . We are working on understanding gene (de)regulation in disease, in particular cancer, mental disorders and infection.

We develop novel methods to integrate large scale genomics datasets, using statistical and machine-learning approaches. We focus in particular on epigenomics data and single-cell approaches.

We are always interested in hosting bachelor/master/rotation students! Do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in topics such as

  • computational gene regulation
  • epigenetics
  • single-cell data
  • machine-learning


12. June 2024

We are hosting the DeepLife Hackathon as part of the 4EU+ funded DeepLife project. Check the website for more details!

1. May 2024

Welcome to Jean, our new PhD student working on the Carl-Zeiss foundation funded project on tumor cell plasticity (AI-CARE)!

2. April 2024

Youcheng's paper on networks of comorbidity signatures has been published in Discover Mental Health! This is part of the COMMITMENT project on comorbidities in schizophrenia. Congratulations Youcheng!

12. November 2023

We are offering a new course on Deep Learning Applications in Life Sciences with our european partners starting 26.02.2024. Check the Teaching pages for more details.

7. November 2023

David Hirst is our guest as a visiting PhD student from Marseille on a DAAD grant. Nice to welcome you, David!

25. July 2023

Welcome Saifullah Tumrani, a new postdoc working on an AI Health funded project on catatonia with ZI Mannheim!

23. June 2023

Today, our team member Ana successfully defended her PhD on Computational approaches to the study of chromatin in disease! Congratulations Ana and all the best for your future journey!

17. June 2023

Our paper on Biologically informed Variational Autoencoders was published in Bioinformatics! Congratulations to Daria for her great work!

17. February 2023

Our paper on the chromatin landscape of HIV-1 integration is out in Cell Reports. Congratulations Ana for the fantastic work and to the Lusic Lab for this great collaboration!

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