Meet-EU 2021

European Bioinformatics Masters Network

Organisation of the half-way forum


Friday, 12/17/2021, starting at 2 pm


Zoom meeting, link will be provided



Each team will have 3 minutes to show 3 slides:

  1. outline of the method
  2. preliminary results
  3. technical challenges/limitations.

We (the teachers) will ask questions (2 minutes). You can see it as a rehearsal for the final meeting (D-day) and an opportunity to meet. The session will not be evaluated.

And after?

After the half-way forum, we will define pairs of teams. We will randomize team pairing, with the constraints that the 2 teams in each pair must: (1) come from different universities, (2) address the same task. Your repo will be open to everyone.

What to do next?

Each team will have to evaluate the results of its partner in the pair. This implies defining metrics to compare predictions versus gold standard and to compare two sets of predictions. The metrics can be taken from the literature or "invented". The choice of metrics should be well motivated. The evaluation should be performed on results computed from several input data (several resolutions, several chromosomes..) and not just on "toy" data used for the development of the tool.

We expect you to show a quantitative (and possibly qualitative) assessment of the results and to conduct a critical analysis. You can for example choose 2 metrics and discuss their respective advantages and drawbacks.

Criteria for grading (final meeting)