Workshop ChIPATAC 2020

Computational analysis of ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq data

14-15 December 2020

8. ATAC-seq : ATAC QC

Library complexity

The library complexity metrics used for ChIPseq like Non-Redundant Fraction and PCR Bottlenecking Coefficients are also relavant for ATACseq.

Can you repeat these analysis by adapting the code used for ChIPseq yesterday ? Evaluate your results based on the ENCODE recommendations for ATACseq experiments.

Mitochondrial content

Since the Mitochondria DNA (MT) is free of chromatin packaging, it will be more accessible to the Tn5 transposoon, as a result of which a lot of the reads will be from the MT (in some cell types > 50%). A critical step in ATAseq analysis is to remove MT mapping reads and to estimate what fraction of your reads map to MT.

Howeve, do note that newer ATACseq protocols like Omni-ATAC solves this problems considerably and will very likely become the standard. MT contatmination should no longer be an issue in newer datasets following these protocols.

We will use the samtools idxstats function to count the number of reads mapped to each chromosome. Based on these values we will calculate %MT contamination. Ideally we would want to see this value as low as possible.

According to Samtools, the idxstats output are -


# See the outputs
samtools idxstats -@ 3 data/processed/ATACseq/Bowtie2/ATAC_REP1_aligned_nofilt.bam

# Extract number of mapped read-segments for MT
samtools idxstats -@ 3 data/processed/ATACseq/Bowtie2/ATAC_REP1_aligned_nofilt.bam | grep 'chrM' | cut -f 3

# Sum up number of mapped read-segments for all chromosomes
samtools idxstats -@ 3 data/processed/ATACseq/Bowtie2/ATAC_REP1_aligned_nofilt.bam | awk '{SUM += $3} END {print SUM}'

# Compute the %MT content
calc 5087398/77784521*100

Nucleosome positioning

We know that chromatin consists of repeated wrapping of 146bp of DNA around histone octamer (nucleosome) followed by 80bp of linker open/free DNA. The Tn5 transposoon will insert adapters in these linker DNA region. Thus, genome wide we will have increased probability of observing fragments of ~80bp, ~200bp, ~400bp, ~600bp representing nucleosome free regions, mono-, di-, tri- nucleosomes.

Observing such periodicity from the fragment lenth distribution is a good indicator of a successful experiment. In the next step we will perform this analysis to assess the quality of the ATACseq data.


mkdir -p analysis/QC/ATAC


# Now you are inside the R console !!



fragSize <- fragSizeDist(bamFiles = "data/processed/ATACseq/Bowtie2/ATAC_REP1_aligned_filt_sort_nodup.bam", 
index = "data/processed/ATACseq/Bowtie2/ATAC_REP1_aligned_filt_sort_nodup.bam",         
bamFiles.labels = "nucleosome_patterning")


# type n to exit without saving an image

There will be a .pdf file named Rplots.pdf in your home directory - type cd in your terminal, open this file using Cyberduck and analyse the results.