Workshop ChIPATAC 2020

Computational analysis of ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq data

14-15 December 2020

6. ChIP-seq: Peak annotation

One we have determined the peaks for the ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq data, we can use them to

  1. perform some quality controls: in particular, we can determine the fraction of reads in peaks, i.e. the proportion of all reads that fall into peak regions. The higher this proportion, the higher the signal-to-noise ration is.
  2. annotate the peaks to neighboring genes and genomics regions (such as promoters / introns / intergenic / ...)

In order to do so, we will use a package in R called ChIPseeker; this package can perform a number of annotation tasks and return a list of annotated peaks.

Running ChIPseeker annotation

In the console, open an R session by simply typing


mkdir -p analysis/PeakAnnotation/ChIP


This will open an R session, which you can recognize seing the > prompt at the left.

We will load the required packages:

txdb = TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene

Now, let's read in the list of peaks for the CTCF dataset

peaks =  read.table('analysis/MACS2/CTCF/CTCF_peaks.narrowPeak')
colnames(peaks) = c('chr','start','end','name','score','strand','signal','pval','qval','peak') = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(peaks,keep.extra.columns=TRUE)

We can briefly check how many peaks map to each chromosome:


As you see, some peaks map to incomplete chromosomes (like chr1_KI270711v1_random); we will remove these few peaks, and keep only those mapping to the 23 chromosomes: = keepStandardChromosomes(, pruning.mode="coarse")

Rerun the command with table to check that we only have peaks on the 23 chromosomes.

Genomic coverage of peaks

Let us see how the peaks are distributed over the genome:


Using CyberDuck, you can browse your home folder on the VM; you should see the file CTCF_coverage.pdf; open the file and look at the genomic distribution of the peaks.

Tag density around TSS

As a quality control, we can check the read density on the transcription start site of the genes. Let's do this for the CTCF ChIP-seq:

## define promoter regions as +/- 3kb
promoter = getPromoters(TxDb=txdb, upstream=3000, downstream=3000)

## get the reads around the TSS regions
tagMatrix = getTagMatrix(, windows=promoter)

## plot this as density heatmap
tagHeatmap(tagMatrix, xlim=c(-3000, 3000), color="red")

Check the figure CTCF_heatmap.pdf in your home folder using CyberDuck, and open this file.

Annotating peaks to genes

An important analysis is to assign the peaks to the nearest gene(s).

peakAnno  = annotatePeak(,tssRegion=c(-3000,3000), TxDb=txdb, annoDb="")
peak.anno =

The peak.anno object is a data table with multiple columns; each row represents a peak, and the subsequent columns represent different annotations:

We can write the file to your folder:


We can check the distribution of the peak location:


Check the corresponding figure!

Finally, we can use the genes which have been associated to the peaks to compute the enrichment of certain pathways or biological functions:


## get all genes which have a peak within +/- 1 kb around TSS
gene = seq2gene(, tssRegion = c(-1000, 1000), flankDistance = 3000, TxDb=txdb)
pathway = enrichPathway(gene)
dp = dotplot(pathway)
ggsave(filename = "analysis/PeakAnnotation/ChIP/CTCF_pathways.pdf", plot = dp)

Again, you can check the plot, and see which pathways seem to be enriched among the genes which have a proximal CTCF peak.

Try to redo the full peak annotation using the H3K4me3 peaks!