Workshop ChIPATAC 2020

Computational analysis of ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq data

14-15 December 2020

6. ATAC-seq : Peak Annotation

You performed peak annotation yesterday for ChIPseq data using ChIPseeker.

Can you repeat the same analysis using ATACseq peaks ?

Extra challenge

Often you want to perform integrative analysis - ATACseq + ChIPseq or ATACseq + RNAseq etc. Let try a simple integration approach -

Can you find the % overlap between the ATACseq and CTCF peak regions ?


Peek in only if you have to!
mkdir -p analysis/PeakAnnotation/ATAC



## CTCF peak regions
peaks.CTCF =  read.table('analysis/MACS2/CTCF/CTCF_peaks.narrowPeak')
colnames(peaks.CTCF) = c('chr','start','end','name','score','strand','signal','pval','qval','peak')

peaks.CTCF = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(peaks.CTCF, keep.extra.columns=TRUE)
peaks.CTCF = keepStandardChromosomes(peaks.CTCF, pruning.mode="coarse")


## ATAC peak regions
#peaks.ATAC =  read.table('analysis/MACS2/ATAC/CTCF_peaks.narrowPeak')
peaks.ATAC =  read.table('/home/user22/data/processed/ATACseq/MACS2/ATAC-Rep1_peaks.narrowPeak')
colnames(peaks.ATAC) = c('chr','start','end','name','score','strand','signal','pval','qval','peak')

peaks.ATAC = makeGRangesFromDataFrame(peaks.ATAC, keep.extra.columns=TRUE)
peaks.ATAC = keepStandardChromosomes(peaks.ATAC, pruning.mode="coarse")


## Find overlaps

atac_peak_count = length(peaks.ATAC)
overlap_count = sum(peaks.ATAC %over% peaks.CTCF)

overlap_count/atac_peak_count * 100