[BC]2 Tutorial

Defining genomic signatures with Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

Carl Herrmann & Andres Quintero

13 September 2021

Feature extraction and enrichment analysis

Identification of signature specific features

ButchR has a complete suite of functions to identify the differential contribution of a feature to every signature, classifying them into signature specific features and multi-signature features.

The function SignatureSpecificFeatures classifies one feature as non-contributing or contributing towards a signature definition, returning a binary matrix of features, where 0=non-contributing and 1=contributing.

ss_features <- SignatureSpecificFeatures(rna_norm_nmf_exp, k = 8,return_all_features = TRUE)
colnames(ss_features) <- paste0("Sig", 1:8)
ssf_gg <- ss_features %>% 
  as_tibble(rownames = "geneID") %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = -geneID, names_to = "SigID", values_to = "IsSig") %>% 
  filter(IsSig == 1 ) %>% 
  dplyr::select(-IsSig ) %>% 
  group_by(geneID) %>%
  summarize(SigID = list(SigID)) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = SigID)) +
  geom_bar(fill=c(rep("red",8),rep("black",12))) +
  scale_x_upset(order_by = "degree", n_intersections = 20) +
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Ectract top signature specfic features

Notice that when the return_all_features flag is not used, the function SignatureSpecificFeatures returns a list of associated features with every signature.

Visual inspection of the top 10% of the signature specific features (i.e., signature specific genes):

ss_features <- SignatureSpecificFeatures(rna_norm_nmf_exp, k = 8)
ss_features <- do.call(c, ss_features)

wmatrix_norm <- WMatrix(rna_norm_nmf_exp, k = 8)
colnames(wmatrix_norm) <- paste0("Sig", 1:8)

##                        top 10% features Heatmap                            ##
top_10perc_assing <- function(wmatrix){
  sig_assign <- lapply(setNames(colnames(wmatrix), colnames(wmatrix)), function(sigID){
    selec_wmatrix <- do.call(cbind, lapply(as.data.frame(wmatrix), function(sign_expo){
      sign_expo[sign_expo < quantile(sign_expo, 0.9)] <- NA
    rownames(selec_wmatrix) <- rownames(wmatrix)
    selec_wmatrix <- selec_wmatrix[!is.na(selec_wmatrix[,sigID]),,drop=FALSE]
    # Keep only the top feature if there's an overlap
    sig_SE_IDs <- rownames(selec_wmatrix[rowMaxs(selec_wmatrix, na.rm = TRUE) == selec_wmatrix[,sigID],])
sign_features <- top_10perc_assing(wmatrix_norm)

wmatrix_norm_sel <- wmatrix_norm[do.call(c, sign_features), ]
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## [1] 7859    8
        col = inferno(100), 
        name = "Exposure",
        show_row_names = FALSE, 
        cluster_columns = FALSE )
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Gene set enrichment analysis of signature specific features

Gene set enrichment analysis using the same set of genes displayed in the previous heatmap. -log10 of the corrected p-values are shown for representative gene set collections.

##                        Enrichment top 10%                                  ##

msigdb_hs <- msigdbr(species = "Homo sapiens")

msigdb_sel <- msigdb_hs %>% 
  filter(gs_name %in% selected_terms) %>% 
  mutate(term = gs_name) %>% 
  mutate(gene = gene_symbol) %>% 
  select(term, gene)

sign_compare_t10_Msig <- compareCluster(geneClusters = sign_features, 
                                        fun = "enricher",
                                        TERM2GENE = msigdb_sel)
dotplot(sign_compare_t10_Msig, showCategory = 30)
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